
Endobentall presentation is between the 3 best in PCR London valves!

Endobentall, a new product, was recently presented at the Euro PCR in Paris by Cardiovascular Surgeon Dr. Diego Gaia. It was among the 8 best, out of 1400 submitted and has now been recognized as one of the 3 best innovations of the year by PCR London Valves, the world's largest cardiology event!

It is a stent with the Inovare® transcatheter valve attached and bears the name "Endobentall" because it refers to Bentall and De Bono surgery, a well-known technique that could not be performed in patients at high surgical or inoperable risk.

To Braile Biomedica CEO Rafael Braile, "Endobentall is a breakthrough for humanity."

The award will be at the event that takes place in London in November / 2019.